Grief and Loss
Grief is a natural response to the loss of someone or something important to you. Grief is commonly triggered by the passing of a loved one; the end of a relationship; a miscarriage; infertility; the loss of a pet; or the loss of something, such as your job or your health, that brings significant change to your life. We all grieve in different ways and for different periods of time, but there are common symptoms and phases of the grieving process. Grief is exhausting and can often feel relentless and overwhelming. Symptoms of grief include profound sadness, shock, disbelief, anger, and guilt. Although symptoms such as irritability, concentration difficulties, and disruption to sleeping, eating and your physical health may seem like you have depression, grief is a separate process. Talking to a therapist about your grief can enable you to work through the pain, alleviate your sadness and come to terms with your loss, helping you to find new meaning and move on with your life.
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